Project Playground

I was bored. So I wrote a comic collector. The inital selection is just my subjective one, but it's configurable. The configuration will be memorized in a cookie on your machine (valid for one year), and you can clone the configuration to other web browsers with a link that's provided at the bottom of the page.
You can give it a try here, but if you want to use it regulary, you better find a server of your own. I don't have the neccessary bandwidth.
Here's the source.

To keep track of my DVDs, Blu-rays and other media, I wrote a small cgi script. Check it out (with a fictional example list of movies). Here's the source and the sample file.

I wrote a program to aid with the recording of MPEG streams, such as live encodings. It takes a stream from an encoder board and writes it to disc. The MPEG data format is checked for compliance and bad data is thrown out. The recording can be split into more than one file, interactively or, based on the file size, automatically.
It's called recps.

Looking for a program to divert audio to a file, I came across an abandoned program called dsproxy. I tried to get a hold of the original author, but to no avail. So I made it work on newer kernels and added some useful functionality, such as a continuus time display. Here's my branch of dsproxy 0.2.17.

This is a wrapper, written in perl, for dsproxy. It calls the 'lame' ancoder and the RealPlayer, connects both via 'dsproxy' and monitors if the recording process was successful.
strec v. 1.0, a Stream Recorder.

I needed a simple program to cut out segments of an mp3 audio file. mp3cut is a very rudimentary tool for this, it cuts mp3 files on frame boundaries with 1/10th of a second accuracy and leaves ID3 information intact.

divfrac is an extension of the div() library function. It provides the quotient, remainder and fractional part of a 32 bit unsigned integer division.

This is a number puzzle. The objective is to fill a 9 by 9 array with the numbers 1 through 9. Each number can only appear once in each row, each column, and each of the 9 segments of 3 by 3 cells.
The program allows you to create your own puzzle and, once it's solvable, print it as a riddle with the solution below. Initially you'll see an array of 9 by 9 cells, each filled with the numbers 1 through 9. Click on one of the numbers to select it as the predermined content of that cell. Manually selected cell numbers are displayed as big red numbers, derived numbers are black. If an illegal constellation occurs, an orange cross is printed in that cell. You can also click on the red numbers to take back that selection.
You can give it a try here, but if you want to use it regulary, you better find a server of your own. I don't have the neccessary CPU power.
Here's the source.
I found out about this puzzle from an article in the christian science monitor.

Monitor tests
I have the opportunity to test different video modes on monitors with a DVI or HDMI input. This usually tells more than what the manufacturer gives away in the manual. The first one to be tested was my new LCD monitor, the Princeton 17D
More monitors might follow.

I have some more stuff, but since I consider it private, it's protected by a password and for Friends only. If I know you, ask me for it.
